That Familiar Dream

I dreamed that familiar dream again
Yesternight in my sleep and forgot all my pain

Miles and miles I walked in my dream
On a beautiful beach while the sun seemed to gleam

So often does it crop up in my sleep
The enchanting sea into which I long to leap

Never have I seen a place so surreal, I’m sure
With waves that beckon me beneath the sky so azure

Upon the golden sands that lay spread till eternity
I walked in my dream, as the waves embraced my feet gaily

The cool breeze that blew swept away all my sorrow
The serene sky high above reminded me of a blissful tomorrow

It is always the same dream I dream but why ?
No answer has ever crossed me by

Perhaps it is to help me find solace
That I dream of the soothing sky, sand and waves

Perhaps there’s a lot more I should discover
Unravel the stories the sea hides fathoms deeper

Melody of the song that each breeze in my dream serenades
I must decipher when in my ears, it cascades

The promising predictions the wide sky holds for me
Oh, how much longer should I search to see!

I wait for the night to see that familiar dream
To walk on the sands, play in the waves and beam

Beneath the sky listening to the stories and the song
To let myself lose in the breeze, I long

To wander unchained ‘neath the blue expanse, I must wait
And the dream will be mine again, soon or late. 


  1. cool dude..........
    u shud b a poet.......compile all dis and publish....

  2. i mean an official poet.....

  3. Haha! Samayam aavatte :) Thanks Akki-ducki-doo!


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